Maxi-Korg 800DV and C Y
 | I always knew the 800DV was like a dual Mini-Korg
700, but in fact i think it's a dual
Korg 770. |
 | Got it because it's rare, and wanted to have the 700
sounds (didn't have a
700S back then).
 | Wanted to rackmount or remove the keyboard, but it's
such a pain... so decided to leave it as is (for the time being). It's
occupying lots of space and eating up precious space for putting other
stuff. |
Love & Hate of the 800DV
 | Nice soundz, dual voice, dual travelers, auto bender
up or down (which causes a little slide at the attack portion), ring
modulators etc....basically a doubled synth in one. |
 | Very playable, and nicely layout, after playing with
it, i understand why Kitaro used it a lot. |
Size is really the biggest hate factor |
 | Although Korg has made it so that the front panel can
be flipped up and stayed handed on 2 poles, there are so many wires
(must be over 300) running inside, making it a pain to mod.... |

 | Bought a socket kit from Analogue Solutions, but it's
really nothing, cos i already have a lot of info, schematics on the
800DV, for the price it's not worth it (sorry Tom), and the Analogue
Solutions sockets require you to hold down 1 key to work, otherwise
external CV/Gate would NOT work. This is not good. The CV-Mod suggested
E-Lab (Japanese) site does not have this problem - and that's
what I did on my 800DV. |
 | Took me a long time to do little mods, so many things
happened, i even nearly broke the power supply board....(I thought i
did, tuned out i blew a fuse). The metal casing is a one piece frame,
hard metal, very difficult to drill as well....
 | Also broke a lever toggle switch, couldn't find an
exact replacement, a Roland metal top lever switch would fit, I've
replaced it but changing the switches requires de-soldering and removing
the old switch from a tiny little PCB which it was soldered to, together
with some resistors/caps and more wires, and it's not easy.... |
I haven't got it midi-ed yet, because it requires 2 CVs
(to be ideal - although i can use 1 Midi-to-CV and control it as a stack
voice synth). Also requires 4 additional Aux CV's for the HPF/LPF (again 2
for upper voice and 2 for lower). Ideally, a Kenton Pro-2 can handle all
these, and can be possibly mounted inside! BUT this is KORG and requires
Hz/V, my Kenton Pro-2 has no Hz/V options, but even if i add the Hz/V
option, it's only for 1 maybe, i'll add 2 PAiA Midi2CV8
someday..... |