Last Updated: 04/24/2011 23:42:42

P r o j e c t s  / W o r k s  2 0 0 9
Songs/Arrangements/Remixes/Productions/Projects  in 2009

Never really had a habit in keeping too many tracks of what I've been doing.
I mean, keeping up with the Synth sections of this web is already quite time consuming. But since the web is up, and I have all these space, I was gonna slowly re-write and build up my portfo / show-reel, but well, that's probably gonna take quite some time.
But I suppose if I start writing up stuff I've been doing, it'll help to complete this portfo/show-reel thing, at least I won't need to do the later catching up's.
So for the moment, these pages will include some info on the songs / arrangements / remixes / productions / projects that I have worked on during the year 2009.


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Freelance Musician/Arranger/Producer/Programmer...
Member of the HHHM Band...

2008/09~2009/02 was taken up mostly by the HHHM Album production.

2009/03~2009/08 "Movin' On Tour" continued + a few more Live shows...

2009/09~ Finally back to normal production works!!

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Artist: Joey Yung 容祖兒
CD Title:  (see below)
EEG Entertainment, Hong Kong

(May Sing, May Cry)

可歌可泣 May Sing, May Cry

Original Demo/Working Title: The Cause

Music : / Arrangement : C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Lin Xi 林夕

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong

Produced by Alvin Leong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y.
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Pal Sinn
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢
Chorus: Pam Chung 鍾達茵

Music recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.

Mixed by Simon Li, nOiz
This was the last song I wrote in London before I went back to Hong Kong back in 2006.
Later in 2008, Pam Chung re-sang a demo for me and I passed it to Alvin (Leong) and he picked this song for Joey Yung.  Joey did very very well on the vocals! (Pam sang chorus on the track).
We actually finished recording this song back in August 2008, but EEG decided to put this on the next (2009) album instead of on Joey's last album (Sept 2008). This became the first plug song for Joey, and advert theme song for Broadway Electronics series of TV ads.
Glad a lot of people like this song. Thank you all!!
Sound Clips (MP3 Excerpts)
Demo (Excerpt) Music Video (YouTube Video)


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Artist: Andy Hui 許志安
CD Title:
On Core Collection 自導/自傳 新曲+精選

East Asia
東亞唱片, Hong Kong

05 Bottoms Up

11 天下有情人 
(Lovers in the World)

16 你傷風我感冒
(You Got a Cold, I Got Flu)
Overall Comments:
Did 3 arrangements for (producer) Alvin Leong - these were done during June~Aug of 2008.

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05 Bottoms Up

Original Demo/Working Title: RO Free Call

Music : AOK 溫應鴻| Lyrics : Ho Feng CHAN 陳浩峰
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong 梁榮駿

Produced by: Alvin Leong 梁榮駿

Keyboards, Synthesizers, Programming, PC Tweaks & Editing: C. Y. Kong
Guitars: Joey Tang

Music Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C. Y.
Mixed by Simon Li  at nOiz

A mid tempo funky-ish song. Joey Tang did the wahwah guitars.
Demo - All Sessions (Excerpt)

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11 天下有情人  Lovers in the World

Original Demo/Working Title: RO Ivana SpkPhone

Music : Ivana Wang 王菀之 | Lyrics : Riley Pong 林若寧
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong 梁榮駿

Produced by: Alvin Leong 梁榮駿

Keyboards, Synthesizers, Programming, PC Tweaks & Editing: C. Y. Kong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Pal Sinn
Guitars: Yin Wong
Backing Chorus:
Pat Lui 雷有暉

Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C. Y.
Chorus recorded at Mad Co., engineered by Pat Lui.
Mixed by Simon Li  at nOiz

This was the first song done, in June 2008. Ivana's original demo was again piano based, but we changed it to an acoustic guitar based song.

16 你傷風我感冒  You Got a Cold, I Got Flu

Original Demo/Working Title: RO Intermediate

Music : 陳鈞元 | Lyrics : Lin Xi 林夕| Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong 梁榮駿

Produced by: Alvin Leong 梁榮駿

Keyboards, Synthesizers, Programming, PC Tweaks & Editing: C. Y. Kong
Guitars: Yin Wong

Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C. Y.
Mixed by Simon Li  at nOiz

This was the 2nd song done, during July/Aug 2008. The original demo had a extra bridge, but Alvin and I decided it sounded better without.
Demo Arrangement with Bridge (Excerpt) Demo - All Sessions (Excerpt)

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Artist: Eason Chan 陳奕迅
CD Title: HHHM

Cinepoly / Universal Music Hong Kong
01 Allegro Opus 3.3 a.m.
02 還有什麼可以送給你 Precious Love
03 於心有愧 Guilty Conscience
04 今天只做一件事 One Thing Per Day
05 一個旅人 The Traveller
06 七百年後 700 Years Later
07 Life Goes On
08 太陽照常升起 The Sun Also Rises
09 不來也不去 Remember When
10 沙龍 Salon
Overall Comments:
Original concept started while we were doing the Eason's "Movin' On" Tour. A few members had song demos that suited Eason, and I asked everyone to submit demos to Eason, and I said to Eason, why not this tour band of yours each write and produce a song for you? COs each of us composes & produces! Eason loved the idea and the project was started.
Recording started end of August 2008, and it took us a full 5 months to finish this album. During which, a lot of things happened, plus we were still touring. And finally, in March 2009, we finally saw birth of HHHM!!!
It was supposed to be 11 songs - but our previous band leader, Mr. Pal Sinn, decided not to take part, even tho production had begun on his song.
It's probably the last album we're producing for Eason for the time being. I feel that he needs to move on and work with other producers - so he can have more variety and explore more grounds!  But before that, my aim for this album was really to bring him back down a bit, a bit more closer back to the mass, since I feel for the last album and compilation album, he had been slightly off track doing songs that were diverting him away from the public. So in a way, this album, sorry that you won't find wild, spooky, outrageous songs, but more ballads, more easy listening songs, with the touches, the heart, the feelings etc - that is, not only just Eason's feelings, but also apply to anyone, everyone!
Some little facts on production on this album:

We tried to incorporate members of the Moving On Tour band to play all the sessions on the album, unless in cases where it's necessary  to use other musicians (e.g. Acoustic Bass or Strings Session, obviously!). Also you'll find most songs we have the guitar parts done by different guitarists (in a normal situation, it'd be only one guitarist dubbing all the parts on a track). We just want the best for this album, in a way, we've used up every single cent of the production money (yes, this is our heart and blood, what u get is real musicians, real strings, and all efforts from each and everyone involved!)

Eason sang each song over many vocal sessions. (Fans who waited downstairs until 4am would know!!)  Our studio bills r like over 250 hours for just recording vocals!! (Making me very very poor now...!!)

I also called up Mr. Jim Lee, who has been producing Eason's last Mandarin album. We all love Jim's mixing, and what's better to have Jim mixing all these songs for us!! And Jim did a great job in handling these songs!! All songs were mixed at 白金錄音室 Platinum Studio, Taiwan.

Album Mastering was done in the UK, via Metropolis Studio's iMastering service, and engineered by Mr. Ian Cooper (who also mastered albums by Oasis, The Verve, Sting and many others)!!


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01 Allegro Opus 3.3 a.m.

Original Working Title: Gary Party Fast Swing

Music 曲: Gary Tong 唐奕聰 | Lyrics 詞: Siu Hak 小克
Arrangement : Gary Tong / Ivan Leung
Produced by 監製: Gary Tong / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan

Produced by: Gary Tong / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: Gary Tong
Piano: Ivan Leung
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: “Sai Wai” Liang 細威
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢 & Joey Tang
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui 雷有暉

Music recorded at Midi-On Studio, engineered by Gary Tong & Uncle Geen (堅叔),
and at aroom studio, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Gary Tong's song for Eason. Album opener, and this was the first plugged song.
Gary wrote this song, I think around early '08. I asked him to save this song for Eason, because we feel it definitely fits him. Gary's original idea for lyrics was about lazy diction (懶音), and Eason asked Wyman to write the words, but Wyman was too busy working on his show, and he recommended us Siu Hak 小克.
Siu Hak 小克 wrote about the frustration of being chased lyrics - record company feared that it would end up like the previous song Eason had, as it's now a bit like a tribute to Lyricists, and not a lot of people would relate to it.
Siu Hak 小克 did try re-write, but in the end we all feel that this is actually better, plus people can still relate the frustrations / feelings while they are either approaching a project deadline, or one is working at 3:30 am for homework or presentation for the next day.
Ivan (Leung) helped Gary on the Piano arrangement (Ivan also played Keyboards and Piano for the Movin' On Tour, at KL, Tianjin, ChongQing & ShenZhen).
Funny that, Gary never intended this to sound like Mika - in fact only after Eason sang the song, I said this has that same Mika feel, but hey, this is Eason style too! (Just like, they say, Mika is the UK equivalent to Eason)!! (Plus, they r good friends!!) - That reminds me... i need to send this CD to Mika and his lovely sister!!

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02 還有什麼可以送給你 Precious Love

Original Working Title: DBF P-Love

Music 曲: Davy Chan | Lyrics 詞: Yiu-Fai Chow 周耀輝
Arrangement : Chi-Yuen Lau 劉志遠
Produced by 監製: Davy Chan / C.Y. / Eason Chan

Produced by: Davy Chan / C.Y. / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung

Keyboards, Synths, Bass & Programming: Lau Chi-Yuen (劉志遠)
Drums: Davy Chan
Guitars: Lau Chi-Yuen (劉志遠) & Yin Wong ()
Chorus: Pat Lui 雷有暉
Additional Editing: C. Y.

Strings Arrangement: Ted Lo
First Violins: 李葉波, 張毅, 易岸兮, 羅菁,
Second Violins: 謝林, 郭慧, 張廷輝, 陳苗苗
Violae: 錢寧幸, 葉艷英, 鍾慧鏛
Celli: 于萍, 葉輝

Music recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong
Strings Recorded at 廣州星海錄音室, engineered by 李璐 / 蔡亞敏
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Davy's song for Eason.
Davy wrote the melody about 10 years ago. It was on a cassette demo tape.
Last year, we dug out some old demos, and we revived them.
Actually, Davy's orginal demo was in Mandarin, and we did submit this song for the previous mandarin album "Don't Wanna Let Go", but it wasn't picked. Eason then wanted to save this song for this album. In a way, this song 'grows' - the more time u spent with it, it just keeps growing in your heart.
We asked Yiu-Fai Chow 周耀輝 to write lyrics, and he asked if there's anything we wanted to write. Davy didn't say anything, but I secretly told him some of Davy's personal stories - and he came back with these lyrics.
This was the first song Eason recorded vocals, back in Early September. At that time, he was still busy promoting the mandarin album and he wasn't in very good condition (mood wise).
At one point he did ask us about what is the lyrics trying to say. It was when Davy was expaining to Eason about the words, he then realised it was his own story - and Eason immediately understood that emotion...
Yes, it's actually deeper than what it may sound - and it does take time to grow.

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03 於心有愧 Guilty Conscience

Original Working Title: Pam Banana

Music 曲: Pam Chung 鍾達茵 | Lyrics 詞: Lin Xi 林夕
Arrangement : Gary Tong
Produced by 監製: Pam Chung / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan

Produced by: Pam Chung / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung

Piano, Keyboards, Synths & Programming: Gary Tong
Davy Chan
Bass: BassKit 何俊傑

Guitars: Joey Tang & Yin Wong
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui 雷有暉
Additional Editing & Tweaks: C. Y.
Strings Arrangement:
First Violins: 李葉波, 張毅, 易岸兮, 羅菁, 李椰菁
Second Violins: 謝林, 郭慧, 張廷輝, 陳苗苗
Violae: 錢寧幸, 葉艷英, 鍾慧鏛
Celli: 于萍, 葉輝

Music recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong
Strings Recorded at 廣州星海錄音室, engineered by 李璐 / 蔡亞敏
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Pam's song for Eason. There's a story behind how we picked this song...
1st of all, Pam never gave us this demo - I found it in her ipod by accident - there were few lines in the melodies that really got me, and it won me by that emotional factor from day 1.
But on the other hand, this song might sound like a very commercial pop karaoke song. Eason was thinking of picking another demo from Pam, but, Davy and I and Pam went to persuade him.
It wasn't until after he sang it the first time and I did some vocal editing, he eventually felt that shivering emotions. Lin Xi also told Eason that in the lyrics, he is actually writing about (Lin Xi) himself.
While I was sorting out the melody demo for this song, there were many moments that reminded me of Gary Tong's arrangement. I called Gary and asked if he could arrange this song, but he was dead busy at the time. In the end, we exchanged some work - I had to do another arrangement for him while he helped us arrange this song!
The thing is... when we finished this song, Gary actually cried while listening to it. He also has that feeling for the lyrics!
It's a Pop Ballad, afterall. Karaoke or not, it doesn't matter. But it's actually not very 'normal' since, it does have different Time Signatures - like a 5/4 and 6/4 in the choruses, making the last line of the melody unusual, yet it creates that tension/emotion.
If it wasn't for this HHHM project, I don't think Eason would get to sing a song like this anymore.
It might sound simple or less complex - but it goes straight to the heart.
Pam and I both produced vocals on 2 or 3 different days. The final vocal was an edit / compilation, I tried looking for all the emotional elements in Eason's voice, and luckily, in the end, Eason finally felt that shivering emotions and understood why we asked him to pick this song.

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04 今天只做一件事 One Thing Per Day

Original Working Title: JT Ring

Music 曲: Joey Tang / Schumann Lee 舒文 | Lyrics 詞: Yiu-Fai Chow 周耀輝
Arrangement : Joey Tang / Schumann Lee 舒文
Produced by 監製: Joey Tang / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan

Produced by: Joey Tang / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung

Guitars: Joey Tang & Yin Wong 亞賢
Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks:
Schumann Lee 舒文
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: BassKit 何俊傑
Harmony Vocals: Joey Tang
Additional Editing & Tweaks: C. Y.

Recorded at Zoo Music Studio, engineered by Schumann Lee
Drums Recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Rob Porter
Guitars, Percussion, Harmony Vocals recorded at aroom studio by Davy & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Joey Tang's song for Eason, which Joey had co-written with Schumann.
Joey submitted 3 demos and Eaon picked this one. He loved that acoustic / smoothing feel of the song.
While they were taking vocals, Eason always tried to sing some harmonies to it - but he always tried not to pick the obvious notes. But he said he would leave JOey to do the harmony vocals, so I arranged a quite difficult harmony part for Joey to sing, picking out all the not so obvious notes, yet the harmony would help put even more colours.  In the end, even Eason was surprised by the harmony vocals =)

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05 一個旅人 The Traveller

Original Working Title: Pat Queen Of Pain

Music 曲: Pat Lui 雷有暉| Lyrics 詞: Siu-Kei Yu 余紹祺
Arrangement : Pat Lui 雷有暉
Produced by 監製: Pat Lui / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan

Produced by: Pat Lui / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung

Keyboards & Programming: Pat Lui 雷有暉
Drums & Percussion: Davy Chan
Bass: Pal Sinn
Guitars: Joey Tang & Yin Wong 亞賢
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui 雷有暉, Joey Tang, Pam Chung 鍾達茵
Additional Editing: C. Y.

Music recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Rob Porter, Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Pat's song for Eason. Pat submitted this in Spring '08. Eason loved it and they had real fun taking vocals - Eason is so proud that the phrasing in each of the choruses are different.
Note that, there r 3 backing choruses on this track - Pat, Joey and Pam all sang different parts - took me a whole day to edit all the vocals ! Hahaha!
Production of this track was started in Early September, this was the only song that our previous band leader Mr. Pal Sinn played bass, before he left the band.

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06 七百年後 700 Years Later

Original Working Title: Jim Brother One

Music 曲: Jim Lau 柳重言| Lyrics 詞: Riley Pong 林若寧
Arrangement :  C. Y. Kong
Produced by 監製: Jim Lau / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan

Produced by: Jim Lau / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y. Kong
Piano: Ivan Leung
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: BassKit 何俊傑
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Jim Lau 柳重言

Additional Editing & Tweaks: C. Y.
Strings Arrangement: Ted Lo
First Violins: 李葉波, 張毅, 易岸兮, 李椰菁,
Second Violins: 謝林, 郭慧, 張廷輝, 陳苗苗
Violae: 錢寧幸, 葉凱英, 鍾慧
Celli: 于萍, 葉輝

Music recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Strings Recorded at 廣州柏菲錄音室, engineered by 陳珞 / 王恩宏
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Jim Lau's song for Eason. I helped and did the arrangement. This has become the 2nd plugged song. It took me, Anthony Sun & Eason a long time (6 months+) to beg, talk, persuade Jim to submit a song! Finally he did, and I promised him we'd put every effort we got to make this sound great!!
Jim Lau joined the tour around April '08. The first day he went to rehearsal, I already told him about this project. He kept saying his songs are no good. We kept begging him, tho not forcing him (cos i know, if a composer doesn't feel like writing, there's no way to force or chase).
In the end he submitted this song to Eason. The original lyrics he had was "一哥". Eason & I thought maybe we'd ask Riley to write the lyrics, and he came back with the Wall-E idea.
I asked Ivan (Leung) to play the piano part (since I was asking Anthony Sun to work on piano on other songs). Ivan did a great job.
Ted Lo wrote brilliant strings on this song, thank you Ted!!
And obviously, we need thank Ah Yin for his great guitar solo, where the double-bends actually hurt his fingers!

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07 Life Goes On

Original Working Title: Asun J Stone

Music 曲: Anthony Sun 孫偉明 | Lyrics 詞: 譚健文 (DASH)
Arrangement : Gary TOng
Produced by 監製: Anthony Sun / Gary Tong / Eason Chan

Produced by: Anthony Sun / Gary Tong / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung 

Piano: Anthony Sun
Keyboards, Synths & Programming: Gary Tong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: BassKit 何俊傑
Guitars: Joey Tang & Suntone Lee (神童)
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui 雷有暉

Strings Arrangement: Ted Lo
First Violins: 李葉波, 張毅, 易岸兮, 李椰菁,
Second Violins: 謝林, 郭慧, 張廷輝, 陳苗苗
Violae: 錢寧幸, 葉凱英, 鍾慧
Celli: 于萍, 葉輝

Music Recorded at Midi-On Studio, engineered by Gary Tong & 堅叔
Drums Recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Davy Chan.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Strings Recorded at 廣州柏菲錄音室, engineered by 陳珞 / 王恩宏
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Anthony Sun's song for Eason... he actually submitted another song, and we started production on that, but Eason still preferred this one!
Anthony broke his finger during October '08 and could not play piano for the tour in November.
At first Eason had the idea - how about this song we talk about The Man Who So Loves the Piano but Cannot Play since he punched his fist on a book and broke his little finger!
So it started off with the idea of something in life you really like, but you can't get to at the time - but it's more like life has up's and down's - that kind of feeling.
Gary Tong helped arrange this song, and I asked DASH to write lyrics.
This song actually took the longest in recording vocals.
Also Anthony (Sun) spent like a week on playing the piano part (after he recovered).
On this track Davy changed all the cymbals on his drum kit to vintage cymbals and Hi-hat, to create another sound that matches the song.

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08 太陽照常升起 The Sun Also Rises

Original Working Title: Yin Song

Music 曲: Yin Wong 黃仲賢| Lyrics 詞: Lin Xi 林夕
Arrangement : C.Y. Kong & Yin Wong
Produced by 監製: Yin Wong / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan

Produced by: Yin Wong / Davy Chan / C. Y. / Eason Chan
Co-Production / Production Co-ordination: Stanley Leung

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y. Kong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: BassKit 何俊傑
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢 & Joey Tang
Piano: Anthony Sun
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui 雷有暉

Music recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Yin's song for Eason. This is probably Yin's first ever published pop song. Originally he said he would not write, but maybe works with Eason to co-write. But in the end he submitted this song!
Again, it took us a long time to persuade Yin to write - in the end we were all surprised by this song he submitted. In a way, it's back-to-basic, a simple yet soothing melody. Eason really liked it this way, and with Lin Xi's lyrics, it really reminds us for many many early mornings - when we just finished recording vocals and the sun was already rising... It's yet another song that grows...
The flute in this track, was the Mellotron flute sound from M-Tron.

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09 不來也不去 Remember When

Original Working Title: C Y Remember When

Music 曲: C. Y. Kong | Lyrics 詞: Lin Xi 林夕
Arrangement :  C. Y. in London
Produced by 監製: C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Eason Chan / Stanley Leung

Produced by: C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Eason Chan / Stanley Leung

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y. Kong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: BassKit 何俊傑
Piano: Anthony Sun
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢 &  Tommy Chan
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui 雷有暉 & Pam Chung 鍾達茵
Additional Editing & Tweaks: C. Y. & Davy
Strings Arrangement: Ted Lo
First Violins: 李葉波, 張毅, 易岸兮, 李椰菁,
Second Violins: 謝林, 郭慧, 張廷輝, 陳苗苗
Violae: 錢寧幸, 葉凱英, 鍾慧
Celli: 于萍, 葉輝

Music recorded at aroom studio, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Strings Recorded at 廣州柏菲錄音室, engineered by陳珞 / 王恩宏
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

My song... submitted this very late, cos I was helping Eason on his song.
Actually I was in the middle writing another song for Eason. Everyone was then expecting me to submit yet another spooky or weird song. I did start writing one, but everyday my time was taken up by all the other songs - and there was no way I could hide away to create something else.
So in the end, time was really running out, and Eason picked one of the songs that I had, and I said I'll hand in other new songs later!!
I wrote the melody for this song back in 2002, actually after watching a lot of TV dramas. There were many emotions involved. However, some i'd already forgotten about. It was not until we had Lin Xi's lyrics and Eason tried it out and I was editing the Day 1 vocals, it suddenly got me.
It was this emotion that I knew I had to look for in Eason's voice.
Actually the last few lines were from the Day 1 vocals, they made me cry and Eason also agreed that we have to keep these lines.
What we learnt when recording this song was that, sometimes capturing that emotion is the most important thing.
There were many other "accidents" in this song too...
Davy's drums were 'lost' due to a file corruption problem, and he had to re-do / re-record the drums again on the last day, just before we sent the tracks to Jim Lee in Taiwan for mixing.
There were actually quite a few demos on this song - First "Demo 2002" (with Melody Guide), then a "Demo 2003" (with Male Vocals Guide, Vocals demoed by a son of a family friend's friend) and a "Demo 2008"(with Female Vocals Guide, demoed by Pam Chung).

10 沙龍 Salon

Original Working Title: EC Band Spirit

Music 曲: Eason Chan 陳奕迅 | Lyrics 詞: Wyman Wong 黃偉文
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong / Gary Tong / Davy Chan
Produced by 監製: Eason Chan / Stanley Leung / Davy Chan / C .Y.

Produced by: Eason Chan / Stanley Leung / Davy Chan / C .Y.

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y. Kong
Piano: Gary Tong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: BassKit 何俊傑
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢
Chorus & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui 雷有暉

Music recorded at: aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad Studio by Conrad Wong, Stanley Leung & Eason Chan
Mixed by Jim Lee at Platinum Studio, Taiwan

Eason's own song.  Time was running out and Eason & I had not yet submitted our song.
In the end I helped him first, by sending him some chord progressions ideas and composed this song. His original idea was "Band Spirit" - so many things happened these 5 months, including band leader change and so on... To Eason, I think his melody is really his memories for this project.
Wyman wrote the lyrics, and it matched the picture.
This was the last song recorded - Eason had to go to Taiwan for promotion the next morning, and he kept re-singing the song, cos he didn't want to leave the studio - in the end he sang til like 5am in the morning, even though back at 1am, we could have call it a day.
The song was to be the last track, rounding up the album. In a way, it also has many flashback moments for all of us.
I also made an echo effect for the ending - since it's not just the song ending, it's also the album ending... (Actually, I was trying it out and asked Davy and Eason if they like it or not, but turned out that both of them said it's good and that's what we used in the end).
Yes, and there's a click (i won't say where, but hint is - it's after 3 mins, and not when he's singing) hahaha,  it is not a recording fault or mastering fault. It's intentional.
The note about the "top notch hi-fi" thing was there cos, since we have Jim Lee on mixing and we have great mastering in UK, some audiophile people * might challenge us that there's a click - just wanna tell in advance that the click is intentional.
(* A few years ago, when Eason released U87, some audiophile/Hi-Fi people commented that Eason recorded in a bad small studio with bad mic that wasn't the U87 and so on - just because they saw that interview video on the Bonus DVD, where Eason was talking about the songs... That interview was filmed at a rehearsal room [for that NCM live] - but people would think it was a recording studio and then started 'attacking' and giving bad comments! )

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Some After Comments:
Ever since I updated this page, I found out a lot of fans have read what I said above.
I just want to clarify a few things here.
"It's probably the last album we're producing for Eason for the time being"
People, please READ. "Probably" and "for the time being".
After 5 months on this album, I think we all need a rest. And I said above that we feel he needs work with other producers too. This doesn't mean we won't be submitting songs.

There's no way that one album could satisfy everyone these days.

I think most important afterall, it's Eason. He wanted to do this and he is satisfied with these 10 songs - this album is kinda like his snapshot memories for 2007~2009. And throughout making of this album, I think we all learn a lot, including Eason himself, he understands a lot more about all of us, song productions, and so on.

About the missing Mr Pal Sinn song - it's not about mandarin or cantonese, it's not about record company. Mr Sinn decided not to take part after he left the band. We need to respect his decision.
Note also: Originally, other than Gary's "Allegro Opus 3.30 am", Pal's song was supposed to be the other "play" / alternative song....
To round up... it's been an enjoyable 6 months working on this album. Nearly everyone involved are happy. There were many other productions or song requests that we had to turn down cos we were busy doing this album. Once again, a big big thank you for all the people who actually bought the CD.

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Artist: Eason Chan 陳奕迅
Moov Live '09 - HHHM
Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
01 Allegro Opus 3.3 a.m.
02 還有什麼可以送給你 Precious Love
03 於心有愧 Guilty Conscience
04 今天只做一件事 One Thing Per Day
05 一個旅人 The Traveller
06 七百年後 700 Years Later
07 Life Goes On
08 太陽照常升起 The Sun Also Rises
09 不來也不去 Remember When
10 沙龍 Salon
Encore1 不來也不去 Remember When
Encore2 還有什麼可以送給你 Precious Love
Overall Comments:
"Moov Live" School Live Show, that we performed all 10 new songs from the album HHHM before release.
There were no sequence/programming in the show, so my job was rather the 3rd keyboardist instead of the programmer!! (Doing backup Synth Pads and some triggering).
The Audience in the venue was very close to the stage - even Eason got a bit nervous there! Overall it was very warm and direct - and we r all very glad that everyone enjoyed the show and enjoyed the songs!! Thank you all!!


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Artist: Eason Chan 陳奕迅

"Moving On" World Tour (Live)
Stage 17 : 2009/03/21 Los Angeles, USA
Stage 18 : 2009/03/22 San Francisco, USA
Stage 19 : 2009/04/25 Shanghai (Part II), China
Stage 20 : 2009/04/30 Suzhou, China
Stage 21 : 2009/05/29+05/30 Taipei (Part II),
Stage 22 : 2009/06/20 Guiyang, China
Stage 23 : 2009/07/11 Foshan, China
Stage 24 : 2009/07/18 Beijing (Part II), China
Stage 25 : 2009/07/25 Guangzhou (Part II), China
Stage 26 : 2009/08/16 KL, Malaysia
Overall Comments:
The rest of the "Moving On" World Tour

The tour did take up a lot of time, for example in July, half the time it was touring. We'd leave HK on Thursday, come back on Sunday. So in way it's like we only got Mon~Weds to do other work...

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Artist: Eason Chan 陳奕迅

"H3M" Electronic LIVE
(Moov Fire 撻著校園) (Live)
Venue: Hong Kong Polytechnic University 理大
01 Allegro Opus 3.3 a.m. (Tainted Mix)
02 於心有愧 Guilty Conscience (Trip Mix)

03 不來也不去 Remember When (Piano)
04 七百年後 700 Years Later (Piano)

05 一個旅人 The Traveller (Retro Mix)
06 還有什麼可以送給你 Precious Love (Ambi Mix)
Overall Comments:
Part of the H3M Promotion / Moov Live
As we have to do these smaller Moov School Live, but just playing a few songs and only 5 or 6 of us were allowed on stage, so we decided to do a few acoustic shows, plus this one, which was electronic.
4 songs were actually re-arranged with new synth-based arrangements.
Line Up:

Vocals: Eason Chan
Tenori-On & Backing Vocals: Pam Chung
Vocoder & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui
Keyboards/Synths/Programming/FX: C. Y.
Keyboards: Gary Tong
Piano: Anthony Sun

Pam Chung & Tenori-On

Listen (Short Excerpts for Electronic Remixed STUDIO Versions)
Precious Love (Ambi Version)
Guilty Conscience (Trip Version)
Excerpt MP3 Excerpt MP3


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Artist: Joey Yung 容祖兒
CD Title: A Time For Us

EEG Entertainment, Hong Kong

01. 可歌可泣
(May Sing, May Cry)

05. 心賊難防 (Thief of Heart)

01. 可歌可泣 May Sing, May Cry

Original Demo/Working Title: The Cause

Music : / Arrangement : C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Lin Xi 林夕

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong

Produced by Alvin Leong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y.
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Pal Sinn
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢
Chorus: Pam Chung 鍾達茵

Music recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Mixed by Simon Li, nOiz
(See Above)

05. 心賊難防 (Thief of Heart)

Original Demo/Working Title: Reunion

Music : / Arrangement : C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Lin Xi 林夕

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong

Produced by Alvin Leong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y.
Guitars: Yin Wong 亞賢

Music recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Mixed by Simon Li, nOiz
Written around Oct 2005. In 2008, Pam Chung helped sang a demo vocal version.
Alvin always wanted to use this song and kept it til 2008 for Joey.


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Artist: Eason Chan 陳奕迅

"Same Wrong Sin"
(Metro Radio Show LIVE)
Venue:  香港會展 HK Convention Centre
with Mr. and Swing
00. Intro
01. Allegro Opus 3.3am. (Tainted Mix)
02. 一個旅人
03. Everyone (Eason + Mr.)
04. 想太多 (Eason & Mr.)
05. 搖擺 (Mr.)
06. 開到荼蘼 (Faye Wong cover)
07. 麻醉 (Beyond cover)
08. 今天只做一件事
09. Life Goes On
10. 七百年後
11. 這麼好 (Eric Kwok Cover)
12. 我不好愛 (Eric Kwok)
13. 1984 (Eason & Swing)
14. 大大公司 (Eason & Swing)
15. 我有貨 (Swing)
16. Shut Up (Eason/Mr./Swing)
17. 暴殄天物 (Eason/Mr./Swing)
18. 太陽照常升起
19. 不來也不去
20. 沙龍
21. 於心有愧 (Trip Mix)
22. 還有什麼可以送給你 (Ambi Version)
23. 夕陽無限好
24. 明年今日
25. 與我常在
Overall Comments:
Eason's Live show for Metro Radio, with the band Mr., and Swing. This was also part of the H3M promotion - hence all songs from the H3M album were played, but we played the "Electronic" versions for Allegro, Pam Song and Davy Song.
The "Intro" was really long prior to the first song - this was actually because I had technical problems. When we got on stage, the communication of my laptop to the audio interface was lost/broken due to a short power cut/reset before the show, and I had to do a cold reboot on stage while the rest of the band was jamming along a very very long (nearly 5mins) intro variation... (nice works, guys!)

Line Up:

Band Leader/Keyboards/Synths: Gary Tong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Bass Kit
Guitar1: Joey Tang
Guitar2: Yin Wong
Piano: Anthony Sun
Tenori-On & Backing Vocals: Pam Chung
Vocoder, Percussion & Backing Vocals: Pat Lui
Backing Vocals: Yoyo Sham
Keyboards/Synths/Programming/FX: C. Y.


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Artist: Joey Yung 容祖兒

"很忙 Very Busy" Moov Live
Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
1. Slow Dance
2. 答案
3. 羅馬時差
4. 延長賽
5. 這就是愛嗎?
6. 很忙
7. 烏賊
8. 赤地之戀
9. 我所知的兩三事 (Moov Live Version)
10. 可歌可泣 (Moov Live Version)
Overall Comments:
Joey Yung's Moov Live, debuting her new songs from her Mandarin album "很忙 (Very Busy)".
A lot of the songs I actually re-programmed, so you'll probably find the Live versions and the CD versions are quite different.
We all find the Live recording very good, it was recorded well and mixed really well.
As you can see - this show was actually like 2 days after the Eason Metro show - yes - we were that busy!!!
NOTE: This has been released as Bonus DVD on the "Very Busy" CD.
Line Up:

Vocals: Joey Yung
Band Leader/Guitar1: Joey Tang
Guitar2: Yin Wong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Bass Kit
Piano: Dennie Wong
Backing Vocals/Percussion: Pat Lui
Keyboards & Programming: C. Y.


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Artist: Vincy 泳兒

唱泳音樂世界 Vincy Live 2009
Venue:  香港會展 HK Convention Centre
(Live CD Released 2009/09)
Overall Comments:
We did a Live show for Vincy, on 2009/06/25. (There were about 25 songs).
Guests on the show incl. Nick Ka-Fai Cheung 張嘉輝, 海鳴威 and Alan Tam 譚詠麟.
Line Up:

Vocals: Vincy
Band Leader/Keyboards/Synths: Gary Tong
Guitar1: Joey Tang
Guitar2: Yin Wong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Bass Kit
Piano: Dennie Wong
Backing Vocals: Pam Chung
Keyboards & Programming: C. Y.


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2009/07/02, 2009/07/03, 2009/07/07
Artist: Eason Chan 陳奕迅

"H3M" Promo Mini School Tour
2009/07/02: 馬六甲 Malacca, Malaysia
2009/07/03: KL, Malaysia
2009/07/07: 杭州 Huzhou, China
- Allegro Opus 3.3 a.m. (Guitars)
- 七百年後 700 Years Later (Guitars)
- 於心有愧
Guilty Conscience (Guitars + Tenori-On)
- 沙龍
Salon (Guitars)
- 不要説話 Don't Speak (Guitars + Tenori-On)
Overall Comments:
Part of the H3M Promotion
During the first week of July, we had to quickly go to Malaysia for 2 of these school tour, then to Huzhou, China (and immediately followed by next few Movin' On Tour shows).
We played 3 songs (out of 4) on each show, with 2 guitars and Pam Chung on the Tenori-On and chorus.
Despite the busy schedule, we had great fun and a great time!!
Line Up:

Vocals: Eason Chan
Tenori-On & Backing Vocals: Pam Chung
Guitar : Yin Wong 亞賢
Guitar: "Suntone 神童" Jason Lee
Arranged & Directed by C. Y. =)

on You Tube
於心有愧 Live (KL, 2009/07/03)
on You Tube


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Artist: Kate Tsui 徐子珊
CD Title: Kiss Me Kate

恒藝亞洲, Hong Kong

01. 讀心術 Heart Reading
03. 惡作劇 Practical Joke
04. 血拼 Blood Fight
05. 讀心術 (Master Mind Mix)
06. 讀心術 (Carnival Mix)
Overall Comments:
Davy and I basically produced the whole EP (except for one song).  It's basically 3 songs plus 2 remixes we did.
Kate is a really nice girl who works really hard + dances really well. It's not usual to have a chance to work with a "Miss Hong Kong" from the Miss Hong Kong Pageant

01. 讀心術 Heart Reading

Original Demo/Working Title: Bet It All

Music : Robert Waller.Steve Duberry | Lyrics : Joe Lai 李峻一
Rap Lyrics: Kate Tsui 徐子珊 | Arrangement : C. Y. Kong & Davy Chan

監製 Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y.
Additional Programming: Davy Chan
Backing Vocals/Chorus: Pam Chung 鍾達茵

Music & chorus recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad's Studio, engineered by Conrad Wong
Mixed by Dan F. (Disuye)
The first song we did for Kate. We actually started back in Oct 2008. But the song didn't get finished until like early 2009, due to many revisions to the lyrics and also Kate's busy filming schedule.
Unofficial MV (Good Audio Quality)
on You Tube
Official MV on You Tube

03. 惡作劇 Practical Joke

Original Demo/Working Title: TooGood2BTrue

Music : / Arrangement : C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Riley Pong 林若寧

監製 Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y.
Backing Vocals/Chorus: Pam Chung 鍾達茵 

Music & Chorus recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Avon Studio, engineered by Ah Cheung
Mixed by Dan F. (Disuye)
Written around Oct 2005. In 2008, Pam Chung helped sang a demo vocal version.
Recorded in March/April 2009.

04. 血拼 Blood Fight

Original Demo/Working Title: Fong Deen

Music : 林天愛 | Lyrics : 黃仲凱 / Rap: Gold Mountain
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong & Davy Chan

監製 Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y. & Davy
Backing Vocals/Chorus: Pam Chung 鍾達茵 

Music & Rap recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad's Studio, engineered by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Mixed by Davy Chan at aroom studio
Song composed by singer-songwriter from Taiwan.
This was the last recorded song on the album, around April 2009.

05. 讀心術 (Master Mind Mix)

Original Demo/Working Title: Bet It All (Remix)

Music : Robert Waller.Steve Duberry | Lyrics : Joe Lai 李峻一
Rap Lyrics: Kate Tsui 徐子珊 | Arrangement : C. Y. Kong & Davy Chan

監製 Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y.
Additional Programming: Davy Chan
Backing Vocals/Chorus: Pam Chung 鍾達茵

REMIXed by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Mixed by Davy Chan
Actually this was the second remix. The other remix was the first one done. (We did 2 because the record company and management requested different styles).
As we were touring in China for Eason, there was a week when we had to stay in Shanghai before going off to Suzhou, this remix was actually done during those 3 days in our hotel room.

06. 讀心術 (Carnival Mix)

Original Demo/Working Title: Bet It All (Carnival Remix)

Music : Robert Waller.Steve Duberry | Lyrics : Joe Lai 李峻一
Rap Lyrics: Kate Tsui 徐子珊 | Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Produced by Davy Chan & C. Y. Kong

Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y.
Additional Programming: Davy Chan
Backing Vocals/Chorus: Pam Chung 鍾達茵

REMIXed by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Mixed by Davy Chan
This was the first remix done, a more carnival / brass band marching version. Wish there could be an MV in Carnival style, with marching band or soldiers!!


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Artist: Mr.
CD Title: If I Am

Universal Music, Hong Kong

01. 背影
02. 搖擺
03. 如果我是陳奕迅 If I Am Eason Chan
04. 感動
05. 森林 Forest
06. 無謂再假
07. 遇到了
08. 尋找一千遍
09. Mr. Tam
(Pre-rocker One Take Version)
Overall Comments:
Second album by the band Mr.
Produced by Gary Tong, Davy Chan & C. Y.
Recorded during 2009/03~07.
Yes, it takes 3 producers' combined power (!) - and it's really good! Pls buy it !! =)
"如果我是陳奕迅 If I Am Eason Chan" MV (YouTube) "森林 Forest" MV (YouTube)
"如果我是陳奕迅 If I Am Eason Chan" TVB MV "森林 Forest" MV (Youku)


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Artist: Keeva Mak 麥家瑜
CD Title: Debut

Universal Music Hong Kong

04. 吃不消 Can't Take It Anymore

04. 吃不消 Can't Take It Anymore

Original Demo/Working Title: Stray

Music & Arrangement : C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Lin Xi 林夕

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong & Gary Tong

Produced by Alvin Leong / Gary Tong
Arrangement, Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks by C. Y. Kong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Bass Kit 何俊傑
Guitar: Yin Wong 亞賢

Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals Recorded at Midi-On Studio, engineered by Gary Tong & Uncle Geen 堅叔
Mixed by Simon Li, nOiz
See also comments on Projects 2008
Finally, Keeva's debut is released. It's been over a year - CD release was delayed by record company due to many reasons (incl. too many new female artists last year).
There are many really good songs on the album, incl. the no.1 single "殺死我的溫柔 (Killing Me Softly)", 火滾 and of course "吃不消" =)


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Artist: Prudence Liew 劉美君

CD Title: Queen of Hardships

Universal Music Hong Kong

05. 蝙蝠
The Bat

05. 蝙蝠 The Bat

Original Demo/Working Title: Naked

Music & Arrangement : C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Riley Pong 林若寧

監製 Produced by Prudence Liew

Produced by Prudence Liew
Arrangement, Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks by C. Y. Kong
Guitar: Yin Wong 亞賢

Music Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.

Mixed by David Ling Jr.
Originally I was gonna help out a bit more on this album, but i was tied down by the H3M and Movin' On Tour, and many things kinda got in the way. So in the end I only provided on song for Prudence.
Original idea was "Naked"... (Another voc. demoed by Pam Chung).
Prudence actually produced the song - I took care of the arrangement and guitar dubbing.
Due to yet another time issue, record company asked Riley to write the words.
Prudence had David Ling Jr. on mixing, so this was mixed by DLJ.
Demo (Excerpt) MV on AOL Video


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Artist: Adidas / Winnie Lui

Event Title: Winnified Wonderland

Location: Adidas Shop, Beijing
Tracks: Misc/Mixed
Overall Comments:
Mixtape style music (mixing various songs for catwalk use) for my fren Winnie's show held in Beijing Adidas store 2009/10/31.

01 Mix for Adi (Catwalk)

15 min mix with various tracks by Yann Tiersen, Shiina Ringo, Goldfrapp, Annett Louisan, Bajofondo,  coba, Daphine and so on, for the catwalk part of the event.

02 Mix for Adi (BGM)

30 min crossfade mix with various tracks for looping and used in general as ambient music at the background for the event.
Web Links: Vogue China


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Artist: HotCha

CD Title: Shall We Dance... Shall We Love

Neway Star Music Hong Kong

03. 大場面
Big Scene
06. Cheeky Girl (Regen Solo)

03. 大場面 Big Scene

Original Demo/Working Title: Anybody Out There

Music : Davy Chan / C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Joe Lai 李峻一
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung

Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung
Arrangement, Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks by C. Y. Kong
Programming: Davy Chan
Guitar: Yin Wong 亞賢

Music Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad's Studio, engineered by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Mixed at Disuye Studio, HK, engineered by Dan F.
Working with HotCha was real fun and probably one of the best moments in 2009. They r really nice, funny and they work really hard, never complain and they really listen. Haven't laughed/smiled for so long in studio!!
Co-wrote with Davy, this was actually recorded in July/August, but because of the girls' tight schedule, we didn't finish this until like October'09.
Note: We were given direction & reference from the record company that this needs to be like some Korean pop songs. To be honest, this is more European to me than Korean, since the Korean styles r actually referenced from many euro pop/dance songs.  (In fact the basics of this song was from a demo i did back in 2005). 
Listen on YouTube MV on YouTube

06. Cheeky Girl (Regen Solo)

Original Demo/Working Title: Regen New Beat

Music : Regen Cheung | Lyrics : Siu Hak 小克
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung

Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung
Arrangement, Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks by C. Y. Kong
Additional Programming: Dan F.

Music Recorded  seewisehk & Disuye Studio, engineered by C.Y. & Dan F.
Vocals recorded at Conrad's Studio, engineered by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Mixed at Disuye Studio, HK, engineered by Dan F.
Regen's solo song. She actually wrote and recorded the demo herself! (Talented girl!!)
This was one of the most difficult song to arrange, was a big challenge - as Regen had certain ideas and we needed to translate that and made it real =)
Dan did the mixing and additional programming.
Listen on YouTube

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Artist: Jason Chan 陳柏宇

CD Title: Can't Be Half

Sony BMG Hong Kong

02. 人外有人 Men After Men
03. 最後的擁抱
The Last Hug

02. 人外有人 Men After Men

Original Demo/Working Title: Seconds

Music : Davy Chan / C. Y. Kong | Lyrics : Lin Xi 林夕
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung

Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung
Arrangement, Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks: C. Y. Kong
Drums: Davy Chan
Bass: Bass Kit 

Guitar: Yin Wong 亞賢
Chorus/Backing Vocals: Pam Chung 鍾達茵

Music Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Conrad's Studio, engineered by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Mixed at Air Studio, HK, engineered by Soloan.
Another song this year co-written with Davy.
Jason has always loved the stuff we did for Mr., and really would like us to do a rock ballad for him - and this is what we offered.  Despite the rushed condition and short recording hours, Jason did really well in this song!
Note: Alan (of Mr.) sang the demo for us...
Listen on YouTube

03. 最後的擁抱 The Last Hug

Original Demo/Working Title: Regen New Beat

Music : Kazuki Sakai  | Lyrics : Cookie Wong 黃凱琪
Arrangement : Davy Chan / C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung

Produced by C. Y. Kong / Davy Chan / Stanley Leung
Arrangement, Drums, Programming: Davy Chan
Arrangement, Keyboards, Synths, Programming : C. Y. Kong
Bass: Bass Kit 
Guitar: Yin Wong 亞賢

Music Recorded at aroom studio & seewisehk, engineered by Davy Chan & C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Avon Studio & Conrad's Studio, engineered by Conrad Wong & Stanley Leung
Mixed at aroom studio, HK, engineered by Davy Chan
This was the first song we were asked to do for Jason. It was another challenge, cos it's a Japanese cover (Theme song to the movie "MW"), and it had to be approved by the Japanese Record Company before they can release this.
Jason hadn't recorded any up-tempo song before and this was his first try and what an effort!!
The song is not easy to handle and he handled it really well. We r very sure in the coming future, this guy will be pretty massive =)
Listen on YouTube


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Artist: Hacken Lee 李克勤

CD Title: Threesome

Universal Music Hong Kong


09. Nothing

Original Demo/Working Title: Naked

Music : BoBo Chan | Lyrics : Riley Pong 林若寧 |
Arrangement : C. Y. Kong

監製 Produced by Alvin Leong 梁榮駿

Produced by Alvin Leong
Arrangement, Keyboards, Synths, Programming & Tweaks by C. Y. Kong
Backing Vocals/Chorus: Pat Lui

Music Recorded at seewisehk and Avon Studios, engineered by C.Y.
Vocals recorded at Avon Studios
Arrangement for a song for producer Mr. Alvin Leong. Light "boss nova" but slightly modernized.


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If major radio stations play music 24 hours a day (rather than having talk shows or game shows),
it would really help revive the music scene. Years ago, we hear songs on the radio day & night,
like you'd hear 15 songs in every hour. Nowadays, they play only a few songs within the hour.
The more people listen to songs, the more chance they like the songs,
or have the chance to pick up songs they not heard before,
which can lead to more CD sales, more support to artists and musicians.

Say MORE to music shows, not talk shows.

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