The TeeBee & Me |
 | Actually, this Mark I TeeBee is my 2nd TeeBee. |
 | My first TeeBee was actually the yellow Mark III,
which I ordered direct from Syntecno, shipped out to Hong Kong. That was
I think back in 1996/1997.
since Syntecno don't make these anymore, so now they're kinda becoming
rare. |
 | I used a lot of that TeeBee Mark III in Hong Kong,
mostly doing some 303 like bass notes with filtering.
It was used on songs for artists like Josie Ho, and even on Faye Wong
(!) plus many many other remixes such as the Lam Mega-mix, Eason Chan's
remix and so on... |
 | This 2nd TeeBee, I got 2nd hand, it's a strange Mark
I - it is I think, an early Mark I, but with a v3.0 EPROM on the digital board... |
 | I added the mods as found on the Syntecno website
(done late 2003/early 2004) |
 | IEC Mains socket and an internal transformer was added
to the TeeBee (June 2005) so now it is wall-wart free! Plus, it
also provides additional DC 12V to power for example, a Midi Thru box!
Some features of the TeeBee |
 | Those who knows the TeeBee will know, although dubbed
as one of the better Midi TB-303 clones, the TeeBee is a different beast.
It can do most of what the 303 can do (minus the sequencer), but I
suppose I don't really treat it as a 303 clone. |
 | The TeeBee is very MIDI compatible. Not only that the
knobs respond to Midi CC's, these big knobs also TRANSMIT Midi CC's.
 | The TeeBee has 4 extra CV/Gates which can be used to
drive additional CV/Gate analogue synths. |
 | Has Analog input socket for internal
filter processing of external audio. |
 | Has TWO Midi Thru's and also a Roland
SYNC24 output for synchronizing original TB303, TR606, TR808 |
The Front Panel

Power Switch | Power LED | Program Button | Sqr/Saw Switch
| Accent Pot (was Audio In)

The 5 Main knobs (also transmit MIDI CC's):
Tuning | Cutoff | Resonance | Filter | Decay

The TeeBee Mark I was also called T303.
The T303 logo was replaced by TeeBee logo in Mark II and Mark III.
The Rear Panel |

Mono Output | 4 sets of CV/Gates Outputs

DIN Sync Out | Two Midi Thru's
| Midi In/Outs | DC 12V Power Adaptor Input

On my Mark I, the DC in is now a 12V DC Out
(which can power other 500mA devices),
Audio Input socket is now located at the rear, plus an IEC Mains socket at
the far right.
The Inside |

Only 2 PCBs - the digital one at the rear and the analogue
one at the front.
Inside my Modded Mark I, the transformer & 12V stripboard are mounted
on the left.

The Digital PCB
handling power, Midi / EPROM and the CV/Gates

The Analogue PCB
handling main sound generations!